International and European Taxation programme for lawyers (LL.M.) and economists

International and European Taxation programme for lawyers (LL.M.) and economists

International and European Taxation programme for lawyers (LL.M.) and economists

Dear Candidate!

The application system is active, you can apply for the International and European Taxation Programme. The program will start in 2021 September by hybrid education.


ELTE Law launched a one-year long part-time advanced master programme in English on International and European Taxation for lawyers and economists in the capital of Hungary, Budapest in 2018.

Practitioners with law or economics degree can apply for the programme. Most of the courses are the very same for both groups of students, although the syllabus contains specialized courses on economics for lawyers, and on legal topics for economists. The synergies between legal and economic knowledge in the education lift the level of understanding of challenging tax issues.


The one-year long programme is divided into two semesters. The courses are held every second weekend on Friday and Saturday. First semester is about International Taxation. Second semester is on European Taxation. The modern and progressive syllabus is designed to give the students the knowledge necessary to understand the ongoing tax issues of the world we live in. The courses cover – among other topics – the BEPS project, state aids, transfer pricing issues, ATAD and ever-evolving case law of the CJEU and tax planning in practice.
The design of the courses is the following: Semester & curriculum

In sum, the programme is unique and represents high value thanks to the co-operation of western and Hungarian academics, tax practitioners of big tax consulting firms, judiciary, government and tax authority in the heart of the geographic Europe.


Our teaching staff ensure a well-balanced education in terms of theory and practice. The programme runs in co-operation with outstanding European lecturers such as:

Prof. Dr. Ekkehart Reimer
Heidelberg University
Prof. Dr. Marco Greggi
Ferrara University
Prof. Dr. Matthias Valta 
Düsseldorf University
Dr. Daniel Varro 
University of Vienna
Dr. Filip Debelva
Senior associate Deloitte Legal Belgium, visiting professor KU Leuven & UHasselt
Dr. Zsolt Szatmari
Managing Senior VAT IBFD
Dr. Virag Blazsek
Lecturer in Commercial, Corporate and Banking Law University of Leeds School of Law

The programme enjoys the advantages of being established in association with the market leader tax advisor companies. Top managers and partners provide the students with practical issues.

Dr. Attila Kövesdy
Partner In Charge Tax &
Legal Deloitte Co. Ltd
Balazs Szuk
Indirect tax manager, PwC
Gabor Luczo
Transfer Pricing Manager, PwC
Miklos Santa
Partner EY
International Tax Services
Easter European Business Group
Dr. Arányi Attila
Senior Tax Manager, Andersen Hungary Tax Advisory LLC
Dr. Gábor Baranyi
Partner Deloitte Co. Ltd

Dr. Peter Darak (former president of the Supreme Court of Hungary), furthermore representatives of the tax authority and government Benedek Nobilis and Robert Csabai raise the quality of the programme.

Dr. Peter Darak
Former President of the Curia
(Supreme Court of Hungary)
Lecturer ELTE Law
Noblilis Benedek
Head of Department of International Taxation Division Ministry for Finance, Hungary
Robert Csabai
Deputy Head of Department Head of International Taxation Division Ministry for Finance, Hungary

Lecturers of ELTE also contribute to the education:

Dr. Istvan Simon
Associate professor, ELTE Law,
Head of Department of Financial and
Fiscal Law
Dr. Reka Somssich
vice-dean, ELTE Law
Dr. Gabor Kajtar
LL.M. (Cantab), Ph.D. (ELTE),
associate professor ELTE Law
Dr. Monika Papp
lecturer ELTE Law, Ph.D
Dr. Maria Lakatos
PhD, Habilitation
ELTE Institute of Business Economics
Dr. Zoltan Bodnar
Associate professor
Dr. Tamas Szabados
associate professor ELTE Law,
Dr. Gabor Kecso
LL.M. (Suffolk), Ph.D. (ELTE),
programme manager ELTE Law
Thanks to the remarkable and diverse experience of our teaching staff the programme is close to the need of the market, meanwhile it is grounded by massive analytical and theoretical background.


The duration of the program is 2 semesters.
Courses take places in every two weeks (Friday and Saturday).




Practitioners with law or economics degree can apply for the programme, and we need your B2 English language certificate and a letter of motivation too.


HUF 400.000 / semester

Former ELTE's students HUF 360.000,- / semester 


*The deadline of application is 19th of July.

Application for foreign students:

Application for hungarian participant:


Main campus of ELTE Law (Budapest, Hungary, 1053 Egyetem ter 1-3.


Celebrate the 350th consecutive academic year of ELTE Law with us at the opening ceremony of International and European Taxation programme for lawyers (LL.M.) and economists. 


Contact us via email:

If you are our students, click HERE for documents.